Sunday, August 31, 2008

Labor Day Weekend Fun

Hi guys!

I've been doing a lot of fun activities here.  I'm doing soccer.  We've won all of our games so far.  I've learned to be aggressive, to do passing and all that other stuff.  I've also been playing with my friends and been doing my game cube and I've been watching movies and I've been having a lot of fun.  This weekend I got to go to the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival with my dad.  There were a lot of fun stories.  I also have been camping with my friends.  We played in a fort down by the river, roasted marshmallows and one of my friends roasted chocolate.
  Here is my slide kick from the soccer game when I was goalie.  I slid out and kicked the ball away from this kid so he couldn't get a goal!  It was an awesome move!

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